sábado, dezembro 09, 2006

Sabedoria Hindu

Who is this Self on whom we meditate?
Is it the Self by which we see, hear, smell, and taste,
Through which we speak in words? Is Self the mind
By which we perceive, direct, understand,
Know, remember, think, will, desire, and love?

These are but servants of the Self, who is
Pure consciousness.
This Self is all in all.
He is all the gods, the five elements,
Earth, air, fire, water, and space; all creatures,
Great or small, born of eggs, of wombs, of heat,
Of shoots; horses, cows, elephants, men, and women;
All beings that walk, all beings that fly,
And all that neither walk nor fly. Prajna
Is pure consciousness, guiding all. The world
Rests on prajna, and prajna is Brahman.

- Aitareya Upanishad

Jesus respondeu-lhes: O Reino de Deus não tem aparência. Ninguém dirá: 'Ei-lo aqui' ou 'ei-lo ali', porque o Reino de Deus está dentro de vós.

- Lucas 17, 21

Deparei-me com este bocadinho de sabedoria hindu e veio-me à memória este versículo de que eu tanto gosto. Achei interessante o hinduismo ensinar que Braman (Divindade suprema) é o verdadeiro Self, porque Jesus dizia algo parecido: a essência de Deus está dentro de nós (Self).

Reflexões mais profundas deixo que as façam vocês. Shalom!

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